+971 7 222 3124


P. O. Box: 5079

Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

7:45 to 14:15

(Monday to Thursday)

7:45 to 11: 30


School Activities 2023-24

                                                      CALLIGRAPHY COMPETITION 2023-2024


      Arabic calligraphy competition was conducted On Friday 19th may 2023 under
the department of Arabic. The competition was organized for grade 5 to 9 students,42
students were participated in the final round competition. The main purpose of the
competition was to encourage creative talents and competencies interested in this type
of art. Mr.Muneeb sir and Mr.Jamsheer sir was the judges for the competition. School
principal and program coordinator was visited the competition and appreciated the
participants for their remarkable art work.