+971 7 222 3124


P. O. Box: 5079

Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

7:45 to 14:15

(Monday to Thursday)

7:45 to 11: 30


Achievements 2019-20

Chethana Drawing Competition 2019

Chethana, Ras Al Khaimah is a socio- cultural organization conducted a Children’s Drawing Competition 2019 on 15th November 2019 at IPHS. IPHS students participate in the competition and the winners list are mentioned below. Hearty Congratulations to the winners!

Sl no Name of the Students Class Position
1 Maria Binoy KG 2 A I
2 Jeann Rachel Jerin KG 1 D II
3 Syed Agrim Syed Murtada KG 1 C III
1 Shreeparvathi Nair II C III

IPHS participates in Chethana Quiz Competition, RAK

Daya B Kumar of class VII C won the Third Prize in Senior Category Quiz Competition organized by Chethana, a socio-cultural organization in Ras Al Khaimah. It was held on 8th November, 2019 at IPHS. Kudos to the winner!

RAK KMCC Art Competition 2019

RAK KMCC organised an inter school  Drawing and Colouring Competition named as  ‘Nirakkoott’ on 27th September 2019 at Indian School RAK. Students from various schools of Ras Al Khaimah participated in this.  It is a matter of pride to announce that students of IPHS proved their caliber  and  mettle and had brought laurels to school. Rithwik Ramanath of class IVA  won  first prize in Category II Crayon Colouring, Sanchita Srivatsa of class VIII D won First prize and Nimisha Elsa Martin of IX D won Second prize in the Water colour Category IV which was meant  for students of classes VIII –XII. Hearty Congratulations to the winners!

Kudos to the winner!

Neha Vijith of class VIII D bagged the third prize in the Drawing & Colouring Competition, under 10-13 category. The competition was held at Emirates Hospital Clinic, Ras Al Khaimah on 27th September 2019. Kudos to the winner!



National Mathematics Olympiad Contest 2018 -19

The students of IPHS, RAK brought laurels to the school by their outstanding performance in the National Mathematics Olympiad Contest: 2018 – ’19. 107 students of Primary & Senior Section were awarded with Gold Medals and certificates for securing 90% and above marks in the contest. Total 17 students scored 100% in the contest. Special certificate and a shield will be awarded to them by the AISMTA. Congratulations to all the winners for their meritorious performance. We wish our students all the very best to continue their praiseworthy performances in the future events too.

CLASS No. of successful candidates No. of Shields


No. of gold medals(90% and above)
I 133 4
II 128 11 50
III 57 3 26
IX 35 6
X 67 3 20
XI 19
XII 17 1
Total 456 17 107

No. of Candidates Registered: 468

No. of Successful candidates: 456