IPHS participates in Mini Marathon @ AURAK
IPHS participated in Mini Marathon at AURAK as a part of National Day Celebration on 23rd November 2017. Participants from classes VIII to XII took part in the event apart from different schools and colleges from Ras Al Khaimah. Our student Master. Salmanul Faris P.T of class XI A got 7th position in the school level in the 2.70 Km Marathon event.
Fun Trip To Wild Wadi & IMG World, Dubai
The Senior Section students from IX to XII of IPHS, RAK have gone for an adventurous picnic to IMG World Dubai and the boys to Water Park Wild Wadi, Dubai on Friday, 17th November 2017 .They were accompanied by the Senior teachers.They enjoyed very much in different rides, Roller Coast, Ghost House, Cartoon World, 3D Cinema Hall, Historical Images of Dinosaurs etc in the IMG World. The senior boys as well as teachers enjoyed Tumble Falls, Falcon Fury, Rushing Rapids, Thunder Rapids, Tunnel of Doom and other rides at Wild Wadi. The scenic beauty and the water rides filled everyone with joy. The students enjoyed the rides and romped till the evening. The day was full of fun and merrymaking for all of them. The trip revitalized the students.
Young Talk for classes IX and XI

Inter House Football Tournament 2017-18
The Physical Education Department of IPHS conducted an ”Inter House Football Tournament on 4th November 2017 at Khalifa Bin Zayed Stadium, UAE. The tournament was inaugurated by Principal, Mrs. Anubha Nijhawan. Each and every member of different houses had motivated their teams and rendered heartfelt co-operation to their respective house by supporting them. The Varun House won the first prize. The tournament helped to increase the students’ confidence and its impact has build a good relation between sports and students.
‘Power in Pink’- An Awareness Talk @IPHS
On 29th October 2017, IPHS hosted an awareness session on Breast Cancer which was hosted by Dr. Talat Masroor of R.A.K. Hospital, Senior Consultant of Obstetrics and Gynecology. The audience consisted of the female students of classes 11th and 12th & the female staff. The session began with a welcome speech by the school Head girl- Ms. Krishna Anilkumar. The session touched upon many sensitive areas like the reasons why/ how this occurs, the precautions to be taken against it etc. Dr. Masroor encouraged the children to be vigilant about the changes that happen in their body. She also shared the different methods for self breast examination and why it was important to do so. It was an informative session touching a very personal yet a very important concern.
Inter House Cricket Tournament 2017-18
Physical Education Department of IPHS conducted a classwise Inter House Cricket Tournament on 28th October 2017 held at Julphar Pharmaceutical Cricket Stadium. The winner of the tournament was the Agni House. It was a great experience to all the students and teachers as they enjoyed the match to the core.
Career Guidance by OM Consultants @ IPHS
A career orientation session was conducted for the students of class XII science stream on 13TH September 2017. Ms. Preeti, a representative from Om Consultants, Chennai came for the orientation. She introduced the programs which are offered by the university of Tbilisi State Medical University. Tbilisi State Medical University is a leading medical university in Tbilisi, Georgia. She apprised the students about the medical courses offered by the university.
Awareness Class on ‘Exam Mastering’
An awareness class on ‘Exam Mastering’ was conducted for the students of grade X, XI and XII by Dr. Babu Rangarajan, Child and Clinical Psychologist, Neuro Foundation Hospital , Salem ,in co-ordination with Texila University, Sharjah on 30th May 2017. He explained on the importance of time management and concentration. He guided the students on how to overcome the fear of exams and handle stressful situations. It was really quality time in which our students learned new areas of psychology and its various learning outcomes.
Educational Trip to Nakheel Power Station
An Educational trip to Al Nakheel Power Station was organised for classes XI and XII on 25th May 2017. The students were accompanied by the senior section teachers Mr. Rajesh.D and Mrs. Ajitha.S. At the Power Station, Mr. Kulkarni, an engineer explained on the working principles and about each and every part of the machines and the steps involved for the production of electricity etc. Finally, they met together at a meeting hall where Engineer Ms. Sameeha Al-Hebsi explained about the working of the Power Station through PowerPoint Presentation. The trip was very interesting and informative for the students. It provided to know more about the process of the production of electricity.
Educational Trip to Jazirah Aviation Club
The students of classes IX and X visited Jazirah Aviation Club, Ras Al Khaimah on 23rd May 2017. The instructor briefed the types of aircrafts, their parts and uses. Students got the opportunity to enter in the aircraft and it was indeed a good experience for them. It was really an amazing experience and they have learned a lot from this educational field trip.
Educational Trip to RAK Ceramics
On 24th May 2017, an Educational Trip was organized for the students of classes XI & XII of Commerce Stream. They visited RAK Ceramics-World’s largest ceramic tiles manufacturing company.
The students were accompanied by Mr. Sunil Jose and Mrs. Rishika Jain. They learned that the company manufactures high-quality ceramic wall, floor tiles, porcelain and super-sized slabs. They were briefed on the production process of tiles. The students also learned the management structure of the company. It was an interesting as well as an informative trip for all the students.
Career Fair – Classes XI & XII
GEMS Westminster School, RAK hosted a University Career Fair organized by ‘Educationary and Students Era’ on 23rd May 2017. Around 15 local and International universities were present there to showcase their educational offerings to students ahead of their upcoming study and examination period. IPHS students of classes XI and XII attended the fair. The event was intended to build brand awareness for schools and universities and to introduce students to a variety of educational programs available from their local and International universities. It was a unique opportunity for them to get the information from the different universities.
Extempore is a speech competition that enhances the oral communication skills of students. It assists students not only in thinking their own feet but also in voicing their creative ideas with precision. While the students gain confidence teacher gets a chance to understand the ability of students.
The Extempore Competition was held for Classes IX to XII students on Sunday 14th May, 2017. The students were given the lot and upon that particular topic they had to speak in limited time. The judges evaluated the students on Confidence and fluency. Presence of mind, Relevance to the topic etc.
Selected students of classes X, XI and XII were taken for the inter school event which was organized by BIRLA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY, RAK on 11th May 2017. It was comprised of the event categories like BLUprints, Teen-O-vation (Science Exhibition), Dress out of waste and Quiz BITe. It was a full day programme and around 23 schools from the different emirates of the UAE and 38 students from our school (IPHS) participated in various items. Students got an unique opportunity to explore their potentials and participated with a very competitive mind and all the individuals were given participation certificates.
Inter House Basketball Tournament 2017-18
IPHS conducted an “Inter House BasketBall Tournament” which gave immense pleasure to the students and teachers. The tournament was inaguarated by our beloved Principal, Mrs. Anubha Nijhawan by giving the basket ball to the sports secretary. These competitions help to generate sportsman spirit in the student’s mind. Each and every member of the different houses motivated their teams and rendered heartfelt co-operation to their respective houses by supporting them.
The tournament was conducted for two different categories and in two levels like “Boys & Girls Senior & Senior Secondary”. The competitions were held on 6th and 9th May 2017.In both the categories winners were awarded with certificates and trophies based on their respective houses. The best players of the tournament in both the categories were Miss. Kanishka Joshi of Agni house, Miss. Komal Preet Kaur of Prithvi house. In the Boys Category it was won by Master Joel Mathew of Varun house and Master Hijas Abdul Salam of Varun House. The whole hearted cooperation of all this made the event remarkable.
Microsoft Office Specialist Championship UAE 2017
Microsoft Office Specialist Championship UAE 2017 examination was conducted on 25th April 2017. The test Categories were Word 2013, PowerPoint 2013, Excel 2013. 43, selected students of classes IX, X, XI attended the examination. The study materials were provided in their login id prior to the exam date. It was an Online Examination and could be taken from students respective Login IDs. Results of the Qualifying Round of Microsoft Office Specialist Championship UAE 2017 declared on Wednesday, 3rd May 2017 at 07:00 P.M. Master. Sukrish Gokulakrishnan of class IX A (Microsoft Excel 2013) has been selected for the MOS Championship-Semifinals. The Semi Finals was conducted on 13th May 2017 at IMG Worlds of Adventure – Dubai. The finals was held on Saturday, 20th May 2017, at The World Trade Center, Dubai.
Anchoring Competition
An Anchoring Competition was held in IPHS for classes IX –XI on 30th April 2017. The competition began with boys from Class IX. Overall it was a good, innovative and enthusiastic competition for the participants. Mrs. Soumya Shree and Mr. J.D Fernandes were the judges and Mrs. Ligy Ajith was the competition conductor.
Student Council Formation 2017-18
The Student Council actively started the procedures for the year 2017-18.The election for the class prefects on 13/04/17 was the first step towards it. The newly elected class leaders chose the Head Boy and Head Girl for the academic year on 20/04/17.The investiture ceremony on 27/04/17 was the day for honouring the office bearers, with solemn oath taking ceremony.
Orientation Programme- Grades IX & X
An Orientation Programme for parents and students of Grade IX and X was held in the school campus on 18th April, 2017 at 6 p.m. Dr. Annamma Mathew (VP) welcomed the gathering on behalf of the management and the Principal, Mrs. Anubha Nijhawan.
Then, she briefed about general information like the Facilities Available in the school, Rules and Regulations, School Policies etc. The academic part regarding the new assessment structure remodeled by CBSE board, the scholastic & co-scholastic area of assessment, Evaluation schedule prepared by the school as per the guidelines of the CBSE Board, Promotion Criteria to grade XI on a provisional basis, and assessment on discipline etc. were also explained using a PowerPoint Presentation. Followed by it, there was a talk on psychometric test for career assessment by Mr. Koushik from Extra Marks Education, Singapore.After that, there was a session on collaborative platform in the field of ICT by Dr. Mohammed Awad of AURAK as well.The orientation programme ended with an effective interactive session with teachers, parents and students of grade IX and X.
Orientation Programme – Class XI
The Orientation Programme for students of Grade XI was conducted on 11/4/2017 in the school campus at 6 p.m as they were to attend their regular classes from 12.4.17. Dr. Annamma Mathew (VP) welcomed the students and their parents on behalf of the management as well as the Principal Mrs. Anubha Nijhawan. The presence of all the teachers handling Grade XI classes also welcomed the gathered. General information like the Facilities Available, Rules and Regulations, School Policies etc were briefed.The academic part regarding Scheme of Studies, Evaluation Criteria, Promotion Criteria etc were explained with the help of a PowerPoint Presentation.
Emphasis was given to the discipline to be observed at school, the need to respect teachers, proper grooming, neat dressing and healthy friendship between both the sexes, bringing of homemade food for lunch etc. She invited the parents to become council members and also to collaborate with the school in its activities especially cultural, sports, picnics, food fests etc.Mr. Koushik from Extra Marks Singapore took a session on Psychometric test. It seemed beneficial for selecting the right career. With an interactive session with parents, teachers and students, the programme was concluded.