+971 7 222 3124


P. O. Box: 5079

Ras Al Khaimah, UAE

7:45 to 14:15

(Monday to Thursday)

7:45 to 11: 30


Senior Section Activities 2019-20

Bidding Adieu !!

The farewell party organized and conducted by the students of class XI, on 11th February 2020 created emotional moments for the students of class XII. The ceremony started with a welcome note by the students of class XI. The Principal, Vice Principal and teachers addressed the students and wished them success and great years ahead. The seniors, in their colourful attire, looked resplendent and mature to take on the world. There were games and other fun filled activities for the students of class XII. At the end all enjoyed the culinary delight.

National Survey of coexistence in the UAE 2019

National Survey of coexistence in the UAE 2019 was conducted from 6th February 2020 to 11th February 2020 for the classes X, XI and XII.

Workshop on Managing Exam Stress & Anxiety

Managing Exam Stress and Anxiety was conducted for Grade 12 students on 11th December 2019. The speaker was Ms. Carol Mathias, Senior Lecturer and Student Counselor, RAKMHSU.

Survey for Senior Section Students

Ministry of Health and Prevention in collaboration with Ministry of Education conducted a survey on 11th December 2019 for the Senior Section students that aim at exploring the perception of students in all its stages and paths on nurses and nursing as a future profession. It is a part of UAE National Strategy.


IPHS RAK, organized an Inter House Cricket Match for the students of classes IX-XII for the boys in the school premises. The tournament was inaugurated by the Commerce Department teacher Mr. Binu Kumar. The matches were played between the four Houses- EMERALD, SAPPHIRE, RUBY and TOPAZ. The final gaming battle was between the students of Topaz House and Emerald House on 23rd November, 2019. Their love and vigour for the game was reflected throughout. The enthusiastic crowd experienced a thrilling performance with the two teams exhibiting their best in the limited eight over match. The final match was an epitome of sportsmanship from both the teams with Topaz house emerging as the winning team. While the winners were cheered, the efforts of the runners up were equally appreciated.  Both the teams presented an impressive show.

IPHS performance at the Studio of Radio Asia

Master. Christin Babu of class IX performed as Radio Jockey in Radio Asia Studio, RAK on Children’s Day 14th November 2019.


Breast Cancer awareness class was conducted for the female students from grade 9 to 12 and female staff of IPHS on 31st October 2019 by Atlas Group of Institutions, RAK.

The objective of the session was to raise awareness, discuss symptoms and the course of treatment for breast cancer through an interactive session.

The session was led by Ms. Ruhina Tanweer, Clinical Pharmacist and professor of Atlas University. She explained the importance of early detection of breast cancer, its symptoms and treatment methods. It was concluded by lucky draws for the students and exciting gift hampers were given for first and second prize winners. The awareness session was very informative and highlighted the necessity to detect breast cancer early.

Special Assembly on Diwali – Senior Section

Special Assembly was conducted on 27th October 2019 by Senior Section students. Highlights of the assembly were Fusion Song, Skit and Speech on Diwali.


IPHS, RAK conducted an “Inter House Handball Tournament” on 12th Ocotober 2019The tournament was inaugurated by our Principal Mrs. Anubha Nijhawan by presenting the handball to the Sports Secretary. Each and every member of different houses motivated their teams and rendered heartfelt co-operation to their respective houses by cheering for them.

The tournament was conducted for two different categories and in two levels like “BOYS & GIRLS”. In boy’s category RUBY house won the first place and TOPAZ, SAPPHIRE were the First runners up and Second runner up respectively. In Girls category, EMERALD house won the first place and SAPPHIRE, RUBY were the First runner up and Second runner up respectively. The event was a remarkable experience for all the participants.

‘Mathletics’ Quiz Competition 2019

An Inter-House Competition Mathletics 2019 was organized on 19th May 2019 in school quadrangle. It was a quiz competition aiming at boosting the Mathematical skills for classes IX-XII. Competition rounds of the quiz were Number Ninjas, Al Khwarismi round, Ramanujan’s round, Picture round, Tao’s round, Citius round, Math Gone Mad round. Children showed an overwhelming response.

Anchoring Competition (IX & XI)

An Anchoring Competition was held in IPHS for classes IX & XI on  4th May 2019. The competition was held in two categories IX & XI Boys and IX & XI Girls. Overall it was a good, innovative and enthusiastic competition for the participants. Mr. Anil Kizhoot, Mrs. Beena Thomas and Mrs. Ancy Koshy of English Department were the judges and Mrs. Vijayalekshmi, HOD-English Department was the competition conductor.

Inter House Basketball Tournament 2019 - 20

IPHS, RAK conducted an “Inter House Basketball Tournament” on 27th April and 2nd May 2019. The tournament was inaugurated by our Principal Mrs. Anubha Nijhawan by giving the basketball to the Sports Secretary. Each and every member of different houses has motivated their teams and rendered heartfelt co-operation to their respective houses by supporting them.

The tournament was conducted for two different categories and in two levels like “BOYS & GIRLS AND SENIOR & SENIOR SECONDARY”. The first three prizes in BOYS SENIOR (IX –X) categories were won by RUBY, TOPAZ and SAPPHIRE HOUSES respectively. In girls SENIOR (IX-X) categories, the first three prizes were achieved by EMARALD,TOPAZ, RUBY HOUSES respectively and in SENIOR SECONDARY GIRLS(XI- XII) EMARALD, SAPPHIRE, TOPAZ HOUSES held the first three positions. The BOY’S SENIOR SECONDARY LEVEL (XI-XII) was won by TOPAZ, EMARALD and SAPPHIRE HOUSES respectively. The best player of the tournament in both the categories was won by SENIOR GIRLS Miss. Neha Napier of Emarald house and in Senior Secondary Category Girls was won by Miss Fathima Shamsul Alam of Emarlad house. In the Boys Senior Category was won by Master. Mohammed Zain Ansari of Ruby House and in the Senior Category it was won by Master. Tevin Jacob of Topaz  House. The whole hearted cooperation of all this made the event remarkable.

Educational Trip to Jazirah Aviation Club

The students of classes IX and X visited Jazirah Aviation Club, Ras Al Khaimah on 29th April 2019. Al Jazirah Airport (ICAO: OMRJ) is a private airfield operated by the Al Jazirah Aviation Club. The instructor briefed the types of aircrafts, their parts and uses. Students got the opportunity to enter the aircraft and it was indeed a good experience for them. This trip opened new opportunities to learn more about Aeronautical Mechanism. Its working was explained with reference to Physics. It was really an amazing experience and the students learnt a lot from this educational field trip. Children were able to explore the occupational opportunities posed by the field too.

Educational Trip to RAK Ceramics

On 28th April 2019, an Educational Trip was organized for the students of classes XI & XII of Commerce Stream. They visited RAK Ceramics-World’s largest ceramic tiles manufacturing company. The students were accompanied by Mr. Sunil Jose and Mr. Binu Kumar. They learned that the company manufactures high-quality ceramic wall, floor tiles, porcelain and super-sized slabs. They were briefed on the production process of tiles. The students also learned the management structure of the company. It was an interesting as well as an informative trip for all the students.

Educational Trip to RAK Guardian Glass

To enrich the life experiences and to link with their curriculum, students of class XI  and XII of Science stream visited RAK Guardian Glass Factory, Jazeerah on 28th April 2019. An introduction about the company and the process involved in making glass was given by the Production Manager Mr. Basker and students got an opportunity to see the manufacturing of float glass, fabricated glass products, fiberglass insulation and building materials for commercial, residential and automotive applications. The trip was a very interesting and informative.

Career Fair at Expo Centre, RAK

Senior students of IPHS (class XII) attended a Career Fair at RAK Exhibition Center on 24th April 2019.  Universities from different countries were presented in the fair to showcase their educational offers to students ahead of their upcoming study.

The event was intended to build awareness among schools by introducing students to variety of educational programs available to them. They provided details regarding scholarship plans, course structures etc. It was a unique opportunity for the students to know about different universities and the opportunities they provide.

Orientation Programme for Grade IX and X

IPHS conducted Orientation Programme for grades 9 and 10 on 13th April 2019 in the school campus. Senior Section Supervisor Dr. Annamma Mathew welcomed students and Parents on behalf of the School Management. A brief introductory speech gave awareness regarding CBSE curriculum standards, scheme of studies, Assessment & Evaluation Criteria, Promotion Criteria etc. Discretion of the Ministry of Education regarding Performance Standards, Health & Safety, Inclusion of SEND students were some of the other topics of the talk.

Various school norms relating to attendance, proper uniforms, grooming, discipline, clean campus, good food habits etc were also included. Suggestions from parents were heard and discussed.

A session on ‘Guide to Smart Learning’ was also conducted for the parents and students of Grade IX and X by Dr. Prateeksha Shetty, Clinical Psychologist, RAK Hospital. Speaker explained to students on learning skills, how to improve concentration and parents role in their child’s education. It was an interactive and informative session.

Orientation Programme for Grade XI

Students who joined the Senior Secondary School (Grade XI) and their parents were welcomed formally on 11th April 2019 by the team of teachers working in the Senior Secondary Section. The welcome speech was done by Vice Principal, Dr. Annamma Mathew. School Counsellor, Mrs. Bitty Devasia briefed about the 17 school policies ranging from Admission Policy to No – Smoking Policy.

Science Stream Class Teacher Mrs. Ajitha S, with the help of PowerPoint Presentation explained the scheme of studies-both Scholastic as well as Co-Scholastic. Promotion Criteria, Optional Subjects, Weightage of marks considered for promotion etc was made clear through PowerPoint Presentation. This was followed by the presentation of the above said aspects by Mr. Binu Kumar –Commerce Stream Class teacher.

Workshop on Career Guidance was also organised on the same day, Topic was “How to choose a Career”. The Resource Person was Ms. Ayesha Adeel, Psychology Lecturer- University of Boltan, RAK. The programme got afte r the interaction session with parents, teachers and students.